Kingsway University
and Theological Seminary
9120 SW 9th Street
Norwalk, Iowa 50211
Friends of Kingsway University
Dear Friend,
Greetings in the name of our lord and savior Jesus Christ!
It has been a season full of blessings for Kingsway University, as we were approached by a local radio station to have a weekly show to connect with Des Moines and Central Iowa. The show started in May and is going strong. We have had more schools in Texas and Canada sign up for this fall semester.
Classes started in September in Des Moines and this fall we are adding another location. Along with Mount Olive Baptist Church there will also be classes at Amazing Grace Ministries and Outreach Church. This is going to be a great 2013-2014 school year, and we are changing to more of an accelerated program in the classroom. Classes will last 7 weeks rather than 14 to better accommodate busy lifestyles.
India is starting their second 40 day intensive to train more pastors after the devastation that happened in the country. You can sponsor a student either internationally, nationally, or locally for $500 to invest in the education of those yearning to study and strengthen their relationship with God.
We are still working on the getting classes online and translation of our syllabus for our foreign schools. We are also planning our first 5k run, golf outing, and banquet in 2014. As more details are available we will pass it along. You can help by sponsoring any or all of the events.
You can be part of helping us continue to grow with a gift of $100 or $500 as we are helping to educate and expand the kingdom of God.
We have also rolled out levels of giving as "Friends of Kingsway University". The Founder's level is $2400, Presidents level $1800, Directors level $1200, Alumni $720, and Friends $360 annually.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
In his service,
Dr. J. David Brown
President of Kingsway University